Wednesday, April 30 in the news.....
- Former SS doctor Aribert Heim tops a list of most-wanted suspected Nazi war criminals released Wednesday. International agencies believe there are some nursing homes in the world they haven't checked yet.
- OPEC's president on Monday warned oil prices could hit $200 a barrel and there would be little the cartel could do to help. He blamed record oil prices on the weak US dollar and global political insecurity. OPEC's president then met with the other members of OPEC and celebrated that oil could hit $200 and encouraged more violence and anarchy in the Middle East and Central Asia.
- US President George W. Bush said on Tuesday there was no 'magic wand' to bring down record-high fuel prices but would consider a proposal to suspend federal gasoline taxes this summer. The President said he had tried the magic wand and it did not work.
Tuesday, April 29 in the news.....
- A Chinese court sentenced 17 people Tuesday to jail for their alleged roles in deadly riots in the Tibetan capital, in the first trial concerning last month's unrest, state media reported. Jail is another term for being released back into Tibet.
- In Austria, a retired electrician has confessed to imprisoning his daughter for 24 years and fathering seven children with her in a windowless cell sealed by an electronic keyless-entry system. The electrician said he wants to sell the story's rights to the producers of the next Hostel film sequel.
- U.S. Marines in helicopters and Humvees flooded into a Taliban-held town in southern Afghanistan's most violent province early Tuesday, the first major American operation in the region in years. When asked why they couldn't just bomb everything from the sky a Marine said they were trying the human touch.
- A high-speed passenger train jumped the tracks and slammed into another train in eastern China on Monday, killing at least 66 people and injuring 247, a state news agency reported. This was in line with China's 'one high speed train jumping the tracks and killing dozens' population control policy.
- The United States is accusing Iran and Syria of trying to destabilize Iraq in the latest salvo against the two nations who have borders with the strife torn country. A Dutch film producer accused the US of arrogance and ill-informed policy, instead blaming the instability on Mohammad. The Dutchman then held up some cartoon strips to make his point.
Monday, April 21 in the news.....
- The Bank of England today announced a $100 billion plan to allow banks to swap mortgage-backed securities for Treasury bills. The government said it was prepared to accept bad debt on behalf of the people and said the people were prepared to accept more taxes on behalf of the people.
- Hamas is prepared to accept the right of Israel to "live as a neighbor next door in peace," former President Jimmy Carter said Monday. Israel was lukewarm to the announcement, especially regarding any housewarming gifts when their neighbour comes around to promote neighbourly relations.
Friday, April 11 News with Views.....
- 'A mandate.' US Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, declares another session of Congress to begin with a carefully picked demographic make-up of the majority who supported her in her hometown.

- 'This will stop not just the supporters but all of Tibet'. China launches its protest stopping water cannon to the world.

- 'I hate this part of the day'. Rush hour in Canada.

Wednesday, April 2 in the news.....
- China has branded the Dalai Lama a 'wolf in monk's robes' and his followers the 'scum of Buddhism'. It stepped up the rhetoric Tuesday, accusing the Nobel Peace laureate and his supporters of planning suicide attacks. Suicide attacks being defined as 'protesting China's soldiers on Tibet's streets'.
- Britain has postponed a plan to withdraw around 1,500 troops from Iraq after a surge in violence swept the southern city of Basra and other Shiite areas, Britain's defense secretary said Tuesday. Formerly in charge of the southern city and other southern areas, Britain said it will help by bumbling around again, then cause further problems once they decide to withdraw again.
- Cuban shoppers are snapping up DVD players, motorbikes and electric rice cookers that are going on sale to the general public for the first time. The government of new President Raul Castro has lifted a ban on them, offering up things that the people were formerly denied under Fidel Castro. 'Democracy: The Board Game', went flying off the shelves too.
- Advisers of President Robert Mugabe and his chief rival are discussing the possibility of Zimbabwe's longtime leader giving up the presidency. If done, Mugabe would be relinquishing any power he once had, like Zimbabwe's economy.
- On the campaign trail, US Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton said today that she has something in common with Rocky. A reporter asked if she was comparing the size of her balls to Rocky Balboa's.
- Rapper 50 Cent has flip-flopped from supporting Hillary Clinton to Barack Obama to 'I Don't Know'. The MC, who originally supported Clinton, switched to Obama after one of his speeches -- but now he's not sure. 50 Cent said there would have been no debate if a former crack-cocaine dealer who has faced charges of murder in the past was running for president, but since there isn't, he's not sure.